Wildlife Photography Africa

#PHOTO TIP – Essential Tips for Wildlife Photography – the 5 ‘P’s

Practice, Preparation, Position, Patience, Pizazz Of course there are lot more than 5 great tips for improving your wildlife photography skills but if you can get a grip on these 5 you will be well on your way. Practice It really is that simple; practice. The more you use your camera and lenses the more familiar you will become with[…]

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The Beauty of Birds

There are two key factors that make the difference between a good game drive and a great one, or, equally importantly, a good game drive and a poor one. The first is obvious – it’s the animals. Without animals it’s just a drive. The second is the guide. If the animals are there, flaunting themselves in front of your lens[…]

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That Special Moment

Not every game drive can be blessed with the sight of lions bringing down a buffalo, the plains of the Maasai Mara won’t always be teeming with wildebeest and every tree does not hide a sleeping leopard. But that doesn’t mean that every game drive cannot be rewarding. For me, the goal is to ensure that every game drive is[…]

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Unmissable “AFRICA”

The recent BBC series AFRICA represents another amazing achievement for David Attenborough. There have been so many wonderful documentaries on Africa and its wildlife that you could be forgiven for not getting excited about another one. But this one is special. The photography is breathtaking and the events and incidents the team managed to capture on film are simply awesome;[…]

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