Wildlife Photography Africa

Buying your first DSLR

To the beginner, there’s a bewildering array of cameras out there these days. They advertise a multitude of features often wrapped up in technical jargon and sales-speak. How do you sift through it all to find the camera that’s right for you? If you don’t know how to choose between Nikon or Canon, Sony or Pentax this article from PhotoTuts+[…]

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This really sucks!

Serengeti killer highway back on the agenda Words like ‘deception’ but also the undiplomatic word ‘lies’ were used in comments sent to this correspondent when news emerged that the Tanzanian government, in the face of past protests and boycott threats, and in neglect of more viable alternative routes, seems to have gone back to their much disputed position of building a[…]

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Go Margaret! Kenya’s First lady calls for end to ivory business

First Lady Margaret Kenyatta has called for the immediate end to foreign countries buying ivory from Kenya. Mrs Kenyatta said countries in Asia, US and Africa said stopping trade in ivory from the country will discourage poaching. “If the countries stop buying ivory, demand will be lower. Buying is contributing to demand which is destroying the future of our elephants,”[…]

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Cameras for Kids

Your kids will get a lot more from their holiday if thay can share the fun of taking photos, not just watch Mum & Dad taking them. To ensure that the next wave of young photographers understand the performance and ergonomic advantages of using a real camera, you’ll need to get one into their hands as soon as possible. Here’s[…]

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G8 Leaders commit to fight against illegal trafficking in wildlife

In the final communiqué of the meeting, G8 Leaders placed the fight against the illegal trade in wildlife alongside fighting corruption, transnational organized crime and illicit trafficking of drugs and people. Recognizing the threats posed by such trafficking, Leaders agreed to “… also take action to tackle the illegal trafficking of protected or endangered wildlife species.” They’re talked the talk,[…]

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Rhinos in Danger!

Many of us have appreciated rhinos when we visited zoos or were lucky enough to go on wild safaris. But there are unfortunately people who do not appreciate their beauty. Rhinos are being killed indiscriminately and there is a chance that they will soon go extinct. Click here to read Stephanie Mizzi’s emotional article in the Malta Independent

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Migration Update

2 months ago, all indicators pointed at the annual wildebeest migration running behind schedule this year. But now things are turning out quite differently. By the beginning of June some of the front runners were crossing the Grumeti River and heading towards Seronera before quickly moving further north into Ikoma. Herds of wildebeest were already massing on the central plains[…]

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This is a tragedy!

KWS says poachers have killed 137 elephants, 24 rhinos this year Poachers have killed at least 137 elephants and 24 rhinos this year amid global concerns over trade in game trophies. Kenya Wildlife Service director William Kiprono said half of the endangered species were killed in the Tsavo conservancy area where poachers masquerade as herders from adjacent ranches. Click here[…]

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Cheetah Fact Sheet

The world’s fastest land animal, the sleek and long-legged cheetah,Acinonyx Jubatus, is losing its race for survival. Once a common animal found on five continents, the cheetah is now an Endangered Species. Loss of habitat, conflict with humans, as well as its own loss of genetic variation, are the main threats facing the cheetah today. The cheetah needs large expanses[…]

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